1.4.4. Quantum information with Gaussian states Introduction Phase space representation and definition of Gaussian states
Consider the single-mode field. We have photon-number operator, N̂ . Any Fock state is an eigen-state of photon-number operator, i.e., .Also, we have creation operator and annihilation operator and
Let and denote the ‘position’ and ‘momentum’ operators associated with the th mode, respectively (k = 1, 2, · · · , n). Defing
these canonical commutation relations (CCRs) can be written compactly as .Here, with An n−mode density operator ρ is defined on the phase space that is a 2n-dimensional real vector space. The characteristic function is Here,is called Weyl operator. The density operator of any quantum state in Fock space can always be written in terms of its characteristic function and Weyl operators as follows
A Gaussian state is defined as such a state that its characteristic function is Gaussian: Here, is a real symmetric matrix and
As shown below, the quantum vacuum state, coherent states, squeezed states, and thermal states are typical Gaussian states